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     Lyme Ticks Symptoms

                        What Are the Symptoms of Lyme Disease?


In the early stages of Lyme Disease, you may experience flu-like symptoms that can include a stiff neck, chills, feverswollen lymph nodesheadachesfatiguemuscle aches, and joint pain.  You also may experience a large, expanding skin rash around the area of the tick bite. In more advanced disease, nerve problems and arthritis, especially in the knees, may occur.

Lyme Disease imitates a variety of illnesses and its severity can vary from person to person.

The easiest way for a doctor to diagnose Lyme Disease is to see the unique bull's-eye rash. 
[See picture and link to the right for reference.] If there is no visible rash (as is the case in about one-fourth of those infected), the doctor might order a blood test three to four weeks after the onset of the suspected infection to look for antibodies against the bacteria. Unfortunately, the Lyme disease bacterium itself is difficult to isolate or culture from body tissues or fluids. These blood tests are:
ELISA  & Western blot

Other tests. Some patients experiencing nervous system symptoms may also undergo a spinal tap.


                         A short history of Lyme Disease.

My Goal
Rash Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease Discussion
Ticks Lyme
Lyme Tick chair
Lyme Tick Rash chair

I am trying to raise the awareness of Lyme Disease by putting out information that is spread over the internet in one place.  Hopefully, this site will be used as starting point for anyone else who wishes to research the Lyme Disease problem.

Other Information

Eary Stage Lyme Disease
Early Treatment
Follow Up Treatment

In its early stages, Lyme Disease can be effectively treated with antibiotics. In general, the sooner such therapy is begun following infection, the quicker and more complete the recovery.


Antibiotics, such as doxycyclineor amoxicillin taken orally for two to four weeks, can speed the healing of the rash and can usually prevent subsequent symptoms such as arthritis or neurological problems. There is no compelling evidence that prolonged antibiotic therapy is more effective than two weeks of therapy.

Doctors prefer to treat Lyme disease patients experiencing heart symptoms with antibiotics such as Rocephin, Claforan, or penicillin given intravenously for about two weeks. If these symptoms persist or are severe enough, patients may also be treated with corticosteroids or given a temporary internal cardiac pacemaker. People with Lyme disease rarely experience long-term heart damage. 


In my son's case he was hospitalized for 4 days.​

Following treatment for Lyme disease, some people still have persistent fatigue and achiness. This general malaise can take months to slowly disappear, although it generally does so spontaneously without the use of additional antibiotic therapy.


There is no evidence that the Borrelia infection causes chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia.  Although some patients with Lyme disease may develop these problems.

                                                                                    **  Layman definitions:

Deer Tick: Something no bigger than a poppy seed.  To give you an idea of How Small they are:







Alpha-gal allergy: a slurry of compounds found in the Lone Star tick is injected directly into the host’s bloodstream, where the body perceives the sugar as foreign and produces armies of antibodies to fight it.  The result is an allergy to red mammal meats.


Babesiosiscaused by microscopic parasites that infect red blood cells, can result in a range of symptoms, including fever, aches, chills, and in rare cases, death in the elderly or those with a weakened immune system or without a spleen. It is often treated using antimalarial-like drugs.

Babesiosis is affecting the nations' blood supply, in part because some people may feel fine but have it and unwittingly contaminate the blood supply.


Anaplasmosis: caused by bacteria, can deliver flu-like symptoms, confusion, malaise, and in very rare cases, death.

Researchers earlier this year (2013) announced they discovered another strain of tick-borne bacteria in the Nortrheast - so new it has no name - that can make people sick.


Borrelia burgdorferi: Thought to be the main bacteria causing LD.


Borrelia mayonii: A new bacteria found in the black-legged deer tick.



A Poppy Seed on your finger.

An Adult tick vs a Lymphe (new born tick).

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